Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Us And The City

 It's been more than a year since I moved to this City.  Like it or not, it's been home for some time now.  And there's one person I have to thank for making this city bearable, even enjoyable :)

I'm not one for room mates.  A single child who's never lived in a hostel.  I was scared we'd eventually ruin the friendship, that it would result in an ugly fight, some day.  But I'm pleased to report that our love has only grown.  

I'm writing this to the sounds of her guitar, the singing sessions I'm definitely going to miss too!

We've discovered Guragon together.  The shared monday morning blues, fish fingers, board games, planning the pictograph lesson, our common love for cheese, RD at the Epicentre, Route 69 and some momos! Memories that will stay with us forever :)

Notwithstanding how hard and excessively emotional the year has been, having her around has preserved some amount of sanity in me.

So here's to you Ankita Satija and to our friendship.  Eleven years and going strong!



Vivek Bijlwan said...

like :)

A said...

I would always cherish the time we've spent together in our room and in the 'city'.

Adding to the list some of my favourites...The Joint and Sakley's Mountain Cafe.

And I think the pigs will miss you too! :)