Wednesday, August 06, 2008


-Grandparents who are not dead.

-More sleep.

-Less classes/projects/assignments.

-Friends who don't crib.

-Friends who'll listen to me be the Crib Queen.

-The Van.

-A clear mind in the mornings.

-Best Friends whose phones are not unreachable.

-Lots and lots of chocolates.

-To shatter a glass vase into bits.

-To see Federer win again.

-To burn something.

-Attend a Birthday Party.

-A tight hug.

-To wail like a baby.

-To have nothing to do.

-To go see a movie.



Kris Bass said...

Whoa lady!

Stuff like - Grandparents who aren't dead, friends who don't crib etc are surrealistic

Stuff like - shattering a glass vase into bits, to burn something (burn a piece of paper or something), a tight hug, to smile, to see a movie are way too easy.

And stuff like - watch Fedex win once again are totally possible.

So, I guess you can get about 80% of this stuff easily!

Thanks for your comments!

Anonymous said...

dat was innocent & simple. hope u get ll dat u wnt or most of it atleast.

One more blogger said...

"Amen" to all the possible wishes. May god grant all of them! :)

Unknown said...

I can fulfill ur 4th,5th,8th,9th & 14th wish! :) and i hope i fulfilled ur last wish too as u read this! :)