Monday, February 18, 2008

A Fond Farewell

I will never forget the first time my eyes faltered, it was one of those annual trips to the clinic in school. I will also never forget how much mumma and I cried, she had lost out to the genes :)

Since that day in class 4 I've had my specs with me through thick and thin. I've been through 6 different frames , dozen odd pair of lenses, a billion eye tests.... And now that I can finally see unaided I realise how much they meant to me.

They were a part of my identity. Now if I meet someone new they would never know that I wore specs for 10 years. I am not part of that community any more!

I still search for my glasses in the morning, squint to see the watch when I get up, poke at the mose to push the glasses up..but they're not there anymore..

I cant believe I was so emotionally attached to those two pieces of glass. But I still pray that everything remains ok and that my eyes heal properly. As much as I miss the glasses I dont want them back really soon..


Vivek Bijlwan said...

I still recollect you in your plastic rim brown glasses of class 6.

Its tough to understand human emotions.

Ghazal said...

those were my least favorite!

But i still have them!!

A said...

Oh My God!

Ghazal said...

i know...

i ve been calling you!! stupid network!!!

Pooja said...

i ll never forget the the ones that got vandalised

Ghazal said...

Those were the ones I loved the most!