Thursday, October 04, 2007

Looking back

If you had to do it all over again, what would you change?

Mumma asked me this day before and it really got me thinking..

What would i change in the past (almost ) 19 years?

My first reaction to her was that I would have a thought a little bit more about my career. Maybe really introspect on what it was that I really wanted to do?

I would have picked up running as a hobby. There's something about the wind in my face that takes me to this calm,peaceful place.

And I would have eaten onions. I think this I'd still like to do. I just need to get over the repugnant smell and taste...

And that's it.Three things. That's all I could think of.

Then why is it that I 'm never satisfied. It's a good life and yet I am far from being an optimist...


lost2bfound said...

THREE different blogs, posts about almost the SAME topic, posted simultaneously but independently. Now thats wat i call.....wait! what would you call this?

Pooja said...

how would these three things change your life ?