Thursday, September 20, 2007


I've been thinking about this one for a very long time. Our lives are not perfect and they cant be. There will always be problems and we will have to muster the strength to face them.

But even if we are losing the battle or cant find the strength there is always something we can find solace in. Something that will always bring us comfort. Now this source of solace is what seems to bother me cause I cant find mine...

Can anything bring you that kind of comfort? Can it be food/work/friends/......

I am looking for something/one to fall back on. Something/one that will pull me back up. Something/one that's always there.

Or is it a stupid idea to depend on this something/one so much? Will over dependence just ruin my own capacity to handle situations?

Or am I just suppose to find solace in myself...

1 comment:

Vivek Bijlwan said...

S elf
O pinion
L est
A nother
C reature's
E ncumbrance

till the time you know he/she considers him/herself worth being your reliance.