Friday, May 18, 2007

You know it's over when your best friend cant recognize your voice anymore.


Pooja said...

no matter how much v believe it but it never is really over

Kkaran said...

Ah, never really is over. Though of course I wonder how I'd feel when my best friend tells me on the telephone, "Speaking. Who is this?"
"It's Karan stupid! What do you mean 'who's this'?
"Ah, Karan ! Haan bolo..."

Not even a "Oh I'm so sorry! I just woke up and so couldn't..."

Simply, "Haan bolo"

I wonder what I'd do then.

Pooja said...

but then thats d point of havin a best friend..if they dont recognise ur voice mayb u shud kno y :esp if dey just woke up..n u shud just kno y..figure it out if u dont..dats wot best friends r about..dey bug each other to the world's end :)

Kkaran said...

yup- you are right...otherwise it would be too formal.

Pooja said...

funny how u say something 'clever' and den it sorta bites u in the back...becomes untrue...sad