Wednesday, January 17, 2007


As my first year in college slowly draws to an end( only two more months to go), I have realised that i have lost something very important....

I have always had people in my life who didnt like me or couldnt stand me and I really didnt care about them

Then i came to college....

For the first time in my life everybody seemed to like me ( probably because they havent been exposed to my mean temper). The feeling gave me such a high. I was the favoured one in all my friend circles.

But i reacted very differently to this situation. Throughout school life i was very forthright about what i felt was correct and what wasnt. In college when you are liked by all it becomes very difficult to actually disagree with anyone. I mean the thought of getting my point across to somebody would mean hours of pondering.

It was as if i just couldnt be firm anymore . I would feel that one disagreement and nobody would like me anymore, my real side would be exposed.

Now i have realised the importance of having your opinion. I dont want to lose it. What i just need to learn is to calmly get my point across..after all they are my friends...